Some classics too
DEFOE, Daniel: The Fortunes and Misfortunes of the Famous Moll Flanders
DICKENS, Charles: Little Dorrit (1855-57)
DOSTOYEVSKY, Fyodor M.: Zapiski iz mertvogo doma (Memoirs from the House
of the Dead, 1862)
GAY, John: The Beggar’s Opera (1728)
GENET, Jean: Le condamné à mort (1942), Haute surveillance
(1944), Notre Dame des Fleurs (1944), Miracle de la rose (1946), Journal
du voleur (1949)
GRAMSCI, Antonio: Lettere dal carcere (1929-1935)
MARQUIS DE SADE, Donatien Alphonse François: Les 120 journées
de Sodome ou l’école du libertinage (1785)
PUIG, Manuel: El beso de la mujer araña (1976)
RINSER, Luise: Gefängnistagebuch (1946)
SHAKESPEARE, William: Richard II (1595)
STENDAL: Le rouge et le noir (1830)
UNTERWEGER, Jack: Fegefeuer oder die Reise ins Zuchthaus. Augsburg 1983.
WILDE, Oscar: De Profundis (1897), The Ballad of Reading Goal (1897)
Prison & literature in history
ALBER, Jan: Narrating the Prison: Role and Representation in Charles Dickens’
Novels, Twentieth-century Fiction, and Film. Youngstown 2007.
BENDER, John: Imaging the Penitentiary. Fiction and the Architecture of
Mind in Eighteenth-Century England. Chicago, London 1987.
BÜSSING, Sabine: Of Captive Queens and Holy Panthers: Prison Fiction
and Male Homoerotic Experience. Frankfurt/M. 1990.
CARNOCHAN, Walter B.: The Literature of Confinement, in: MORRIS, Norval
& ROTHMAN, David J. (eds): The Oxford History of the Prison. The Practice
of Punishment in Western Society. Oxford, New York 1995, 427-456.
CASTER, Peter: Prisons, Race, and Masculinity in Twentieth-century U.S.
Literature and Film. Columbus 2008.
COUPRIE, Alain: Prisons et prisonniers dans le théâtre de
Corneille, in: Cahiers de l'Association internationale des études
francaises 37 (1985), 137-150.
DAVIS Michael T., McCALMAN Iain & PAROLIN Christina (eds.): Newgate in Revolution: An Anthology of Radical Prison Literature in the Age of Revolution. London, New York 2005.
EL BASRI, Aïcha: L’imaginaire carcéral de Jean Genet.
Paris 1999.
FRANKLIN, Howard Bruce: The Victim as Criminal and Artist: Literature from
the American Prison. New York, Oxford 1978/1989.
GERSMANN, Gudrun: “De Profundis …”. Selbstzeugnisse
des literarischen Untergrundes aus dem Bastille-Archiv, in: SCHULZE, Winfried
(ed): Ego-Dokumente. Annäherung an den Menschen in der Geschichte.
Berlin 1996, 327-339.
GOMEZ GRILLO, Elio: Apunte sobre la delincuencia y la cárcel en
la literatura venezolana. Venezuela 2000.
GRASS, Sean: The Self in the Cell: Narrating the Victorian Prisoner. New
York, London 2003.
GREEN, Tara T.: From the Plantation to the Prison. African-American Confinement Literature. Macon, GA 2008.
HASLAM, Jason W. & WRIGTH, Julia M. (ed): Captivating Subjects: Writing
Confinement, Citizenship, and Nationhood in the Nineteenth Century. Toronto
HASLAM, Jason W.: Fitting Sentences: Identity in Nineteenth and Twentieth-century
Prison Narratives. Toronto, London 2008.
HERGENHAN, Laurie: Unnatural lives: Studies in Australian Convict Fiction.
St. Lucia 1993.
LAMOINE, Georges: Littérature et justice pénale en Angleterre
au XVIIIe siècle. Paris 1987.
MILLER, D. Quentin: Prose and Cons. Essays on Prison Literature in the United States. Jefferson, NC 2005
NERENBERG, Ellen Victoria: Prison Terms: Representing Confinement during
and after Italian Fascism. Toronto 2001.
OKUN, Peter: Crime and the Nation: Prison Reforms and Popular Fiction
in Philadelphia, 1786-1800. New York, London 2002.
PEREZ, Janet & PEREZ, Genaro J.: Hispanic Prison Literature. Lubbock, TX 1995
SEILER, Thomas: Im Leben verschollen: Zur Rekontextualisierung skandinavischer
Gefängnis- und Holocaustliteratur. Heidelberg 2006.
SLOTKIN, Richard: Regeneration through Violence: The Mythology of the
American Frontier, 1600-1860. Middletown/Conn. 1987.
STRAUSS, Paul: In Hope of Heaven: English Recusant Prison Writings of
the Sixteenth Century. New York 1995.
SULLIVAN, Larry E. (ed): Bandits & Bibles: Convict Literature in Nineteenth-Century
America. New York 2003.
SUMMERS, Joanna: Late-medieval Prison Writing and the Politics of Autobiography.
Oxford 2004.
VARAUT, Jean-Marc: Poètes en prisons: de Charles d’Orléans
à Jean Genet. Paris 1989.
WEIGEL, Sigrid: “Und selbst im Kerker frei … !” Schreiben
im Gefängnis. Zur Theorie und Gattungsgeschichte der Gefängnisliteratur.
Marburg/Lahn 1982.
WHALEN, Lachlan: Contemporary Irish Republican Prison Writing:
Writing and Resistence. New York 2007.